Coach Carlene has been helping obese women shed their fat suits since 2005. While her diet plans are for fast weight loss which is what most obese women need to succeed, she has learned that the food itself is not the battle. The battle with weight loss is all about dedication, commitment, and want. It’s about outsmarting our fat brains and developing thin ones. That’s not to say we will ever be like our naturally thin sisters who can eat whatever they want. It means that we can learn to take control, to take responsibility and finally win our battle with obesity.

It takes hard work and practice. Thin Brain Training offers single podcasts, podcasts series and podcast workshops free to anyone who wants them. They are all based on how Carlene runs her online Fast Weight Loss Boot Camps. Each workshop and podcast is about how to outsmart your fat brain so you can start building a thin brain to keep you thin and healthy for life.

Carlene's Top Podcasts

Diet and Exercise for Mental Health

Can diet and exercise alone solve all your woes? Probably not but they can help. In this podcast, Carlene shares an email she received from...

Perfectionism The Nemesis of Success

You may think being perfect is a quality to strive for You would be wrong Perfectionism is a lie It is an excuse to quit thing that...

Latest Thoughts from Carlene

Thoughts from Carlene – It’s Not Fair I Have to Diet

Has Life Treated You Unfairly? Do you believe if only your circumstances had been as good as others you'd do better? Do you blame the universe,...

Sabotaging Your Diet – A Way Back to Obesity

Do you find yourself breaking your diet and it feels almost intentional? Often it is. No one wants to diet. It's easier to quit than to try...

Subtle Changes For Dieting Are More Powerful than Epiphanies

Are you waiting for that epiphany or aha moment for change to just automatically happen? What if instead you just consistently did what you're convinced...

Let's Get This Weight Loss Journey Going

Listen to Coach Carlene - Tips for Success
